
Laser Hair Removal

Tired of waxing, shaving and pesky in-grown hair? Remove hair faster with more comfort than ever before and no downtime. Treatment sessions are convenient and the results are long-lasting.

At Neoderma, we use the latest in laser hair removal technology, the Gentle Max Pro Plus. This laser has a 755 nm Alexandrite and a 1064 nm Nd:Yag setting so it is safe and effective for all skin types. The Gentle Max Pro Plus is the only laser that utilizes a built-in Dynamic Cooling Device to cool and protect the skin before each laser pulse. We also utilize a Zimmer to blow cool air onto the areas being treated for added comfort. Laser hair removal is safe, effective, and will save you time and energy from worrying about your unwanted body hair. Some of the most popular areas men and women have treated are: underarms, facial hair (upper lip/chin), bikini area, arms, legs and more. Schedule a consultation with one of our providers to get started on your hair removal journey!

How to prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Avoid sun exposure and tanning of the area being treated for 2-4 weeks before your treatment. Avoid exfoliating products such as alpha and beta hydroxy acids and retinoids for 1 week before treatment. Do not apply perfume, deodorant, or makeup to the areas being treated the day of your appointment. Shave the entire area to be treated the day before your appointment. DO NOT PLUCK!

Aftercare for Laser Hair Removal

You may have redness, swelling, and slight discomfort around the hair follicles that were treated, if that is the case you can apply cold packs to the area for relief. Avoid strenuous activities, hot water, and saunas for 3 days after treatment. Do not rub, pick, scrub, exfoliate, or shave the treated area for at least 5 days. Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen SPF 30 or higher on exposed areas.

Laser Hair Removal FAQs

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend a series of 6-9 treatments to achieve your desired level of removal. Treatments are generally scheduled 4-6 weeks apart.

I'm going on vacation, can I schedule my appointment when I come back?

If you're planning to see a lot of sun on your vacation, we would recommend waiting at least 2-4 weeks before resuming your laser hair removal sessions. We cannot treat areas that have been exposed to the sun because that increases your risk for complications. To be on the safe side while you're receiving laser hair removal it is best to avoid sun exposure and to always use SPF 30 or higher on any areas that are sun exposed.

Do you offer packages?

We do offer packages of 3, 6, and 9 treatments for all laser hair removal treatments. Please call the office or text us for a quote. If you are interested in paying as you go that is also an option.