Picoway vs Picosure for laser tattoo removal

Laser tattoo removal technology has come a long way. Our medical staff has been performing for procedures for years, with one of nurses doing it now for 20 years. After completing tens of thousands of treatments during this span of time using several tattoo removal systems, we’ve seen lasers evolve tremendously. One of the questions we receive most today is: which Pico laser is best for fading my tattoo? For that reason, we’ll compare the PicoSure laser and the PicoWay.

The reason why “Pico” is included in both names of the PicoWay and the PicoSure laser systems, is both use picosecond technology to remove tattoos.  A picosecond is one trillionth of a second, which means these lasers are named for how they deliver constant bursts of energy that only last for a picosecond. Even though they may sound similar in name and speed, the PicoWay laser has key advantages over the PicoSure laser. Let’s break down these 3 main differences…


The PicoWay laser has a peak power of 0.9GW (gigawatts), whereas the PicoSure only peaks at 0.36GW. More power means more effective fading and removal of a tattoo. The more powerful the laser, the better it is at blasting the ink pigment into particles that the body can break down and absorb. Ultimately this means the PicoWay’s powerful pigment removal results in fewer treatments and treatments can be scheduled closer together, thereby minimalizing the total time and cost required to achieve results.

Pulse Duration

The PicoWay laser has a shorter pulse duration than the PicoSure. The PicoWay’s shorter pulses shatter the tattoo pigment into smaller molecules that the body’s immune system can easily break down and eliminate. PicoWay’s ultrashort pulses mean that it produces a photoacoustic effect versus the PicoSure’s predominantly thermal effect. In the past, most lasers use a thermal effect to shatter the ink particles, which is still present in the PicoSure laser. A build of repeated heat results in skin damage. However, the PicoWay’s Photoacoustic energy is a light energy that penetrates the skin and gently vibrates and fractures the targeted ink. This means better clearance of the tattoo pigment, fewer required treatments, and a lower risk of skin damage caused by thermal heat.


PicoWay is the only laser that has three wavelengths in one laser system:­­ 532nm, 1064nm and the new 785nm. This allows us to to treat the widest range of tattoo colours and types. The PicoSure has a single 755nm wavelength. The PicoWay’s multiple wavelengths are more effective at removing pigment from any skin type, whereas PicoSure’s single wavelength has difficulty targeting pigment on darker skin tones.

The PicoWay’s 532nm wavelength targets red, yellow, and orange pigments, while the 1064nm can remove black, brown, green, blue, and purple. The 785nm wavelength is also used to treat the most challenging colors: blue and green. Since these wavelengths are present in the PicoWay laser, multiple colours can be treated simultaneously. This is not possible with the PicoSure’s single wavelength. Dual wavelengths also contribute to maximum absorption into the targeted tattoo pigment and minimum absorption into the surrounding skin. This results in a safer tattoo removal with minimal adverse effects to the skin.

These features reveal why the PicoWay laser has replaced the PicoSure as the most effective tattoo removal system on the market. If you’d like to schedule a consultation or tattoo removal treatment at Neoderma, call (714) 533-4777 or (877) TAT-FADE (877-828-3233).